What things to Avoid When You're Applying (or just how to conquer your senior fall)

 What things to Avoid When You’re Applying (or just how to conquer your senior fall)

Enough time had come. My bachelor’s level had been newly in hand, and I also decided to accept the job that is first had been offered ( it absolutely was the Great Recession and driving a car of unemployment was very real). Thankfully, working with high school seniors as they navigated the college application process turned out to be always a great fit for me! I discovered many things working at a senior high school (are you aware there is a software that calculates the likelihood you’ll get a snow day?!), and each fall was a tutorial in just how difficult it is to be a 12th grader.

Senior year is tough! You are in your most difficult classes up to now, you are dealing with increasingly more duties, you’re hitting a milestone nearly every week…and then you are asked by us to college. 12th grade may never be simple, you can certainly make it less hard. Though each student’s college process is unique, you will find a small number of behaviors/mind sets that I have seen cause stress that is unnecessary and time again. Some call them the Four Horseman of the Appocalypse that is common by some i am talking about me personally), but they’re all avoidable knowing how to recognize the signs!

 Focusing too much on everything you can’t change.

Can you keep fretting about that C you got in freshman English? Are you regretting your final decision to stop the track team? Many students invest their fall that is senior focusing the past, and it drains their time and energy like Snapchat drains my phone battery. Instead of stressing about things you cannot change, take your time writing a well thought out essay, striving for great senior year grades, and putting together the most readily useful application you can. Think upward and forward!

Ignoring the advice of your elders.

Can you nod if your counselor speaks then instantly wipe the conversation from your own memory? Do you reject your parents‘ guidance like it’s your task? I am shocked…really, I’m. Keep in mind that, with it,‘ the adults in your life can offer important insight into your application process (and even help you identify your strengths so you can better highlight them) while they might not always be ‚hip and. Ignoring their advice can cut you faraway from some pretty information that is valuable so why not take all of the help it is possible to get?

Dropping in love.

No, I’m not discussing the lab partner you’ve possessed a crush on for a long time (them already) though you should really just tell! I’m speaing frankly about the head-over-heels students that are feeling get for one college on their list. There’s a huge difference between having a very first choice and being so fixated for a school which you can not even fathom going somewhere else https://shmoop.pro/. It is called the school process for a reason—no one knows exactly how it will end! Though I sincerely hope you might be admitted to your top choice (and obviously I hope your top choice is USC), I strongly encourage you to help keep an open mind in order to find a quantity of institutions you’d love to wait.


Are you currently leaving things to the minute that is last? Have you been putting down looking up what supplementary essays you’ll need to write? Have you been reading this post on January 14th? You are procrastinating! Despite what you may tell yourself, no one works best under stress (trust me…this is a ‚do as I state, never as I do‘ situation). Multiple drafts are the key to a good essay, and making significant progress before the eleventh hour is truly the only defense against an application that is sloppy. You have got enough on your own plate senior year. If you do not have an agenda yet for how you are going to finish every one of your essays, supplements, applications, etc. make one! That you do not want to rush (or worse, forget something) in this procedure. So stop scanning this web log and get to work— you are known by me can do it!

Student Highlight: USC Student Body President, Edwin Saucedo

Hey All,

It’s Natalie Guevara and I also’m excited to begin working with our blog. While picking out topic ideas, I thought of common questions we have from potential pupils plus one of my favorites is obviously: what’s it like to be a pupil at USC? And although I’m an alumna of the college and had my own great experiences…I actually want you to listen to from current students with a bigger range of majors/involvement/background/etc. So rather than hear about all the things that are cool have to say (many of you get an adequate amount of that), I’ll find current students to inform you about their experiences. For our very first installment, we have Edwin Saucedo, the Student Body President for the Undergraduate scholar Government. He could be originally from South Gate, CA and it is set to graduate this May that is coming 2017. Some tips about what he previously to state:

Four years back, I found myself where many of maybe you are right now: frustrated with my personal statement and fed up with looking for the perfect college. It absolutely was hard enough attempting to navigate university applications when neither of my parents talked English or had pursued advanced schooling themselves. The stress of finding the best place to pay the next four years was extremely overwhelming.

As we think back within my university application process the first thing i must say is, everything worked out better than i possibly could have ever expected. I never thought I would end up at USC when I applied to college. I expanded up in South Gate, CA where only 6% for the population that is total a college degree. It’s understandable, I never imagined i’d find myself being the Student Body President my senior year here. The four years in between my senior year of high college and senior year of college have brought on a wide range of classes, experiences, and friendships we never expected. However, the combination of all these life that is unexpected has indeed led me to where I am today.

Being pupil Body President at perhaps one of the most prestigious universities in the country is an job that is intimidating. It is not easy trying to express nearly 19,000 students who originate from over 100 different countries, are of all different races, and have very diverse backgrounds that are economic. However, it’s also a very opportunity that is rewarding. Every day I have to go into our student government office and get myself: how can I get this university a better place for all students? That is our objective in student government, to create the greatest undergraduate experience, which is why I made the decision to run for this place last springtime.

I invest at the least twenty hours every week listening to pupils‘ experiences, asking them just how I possibly could be of any service, and connecting them towards the channels that are proper this campus. On one other side of things, we advocate on their behalf to administration in efforts to produce better campus policies, address any presssing issues, and plan for the future of our campus. My part that is favorite however taking the data I learned from both students and administrators and discovering unique solutions to addressing these problems.

In student government we pride ourselves in being innovators and thinkers that are creative. We challenge each other’s ideas and gives suggestions on improvements. During the end of the day, we produce proposals how to address each and each issue. It is through these innovative proposals that we have been able to get our students free Uber rides from 7pm to 2 am and have gotten a weekly farmers market on campus. But our work does not end there. Over the course of the year our pupil government sets on over 300 free events for our students. These are priced between intimate conversations about our education system to bringing speakers like Laverne Cox or performers like Diplo for all of our students to take pleasure from.

We shape the experience that is undergraduate give students the ability to explore perspectives beyond their own; because that is really what university is about. Irrespective of whether pay a visit to USC or choose somewhere else as your house, dare to challenge your self and be challenged by other people. As President I always encounter students perspectives that differ from my very own, they are not wrong or right but different, and that is okay.

You will end up, but instead what you will do once you get there as you approach the last months of the college application process don’t worry as much about where. University is time to explore and find your passion. I came across my passion within student federal government and working towards increasing USC for present and future students. For you, that passion may lie in another activity. Regardless, enjoy your last months of high school and get ready to embark in a new journey full of unique and exciting experiences. All the best on applying to university and should you ever get disillusioned, understand that why is Trojans strong is we always Fight On!

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