What is interesting about the "irregularities" is that allegedly all the free assessors everywhere were involved and helped.

What is interesting about the „irregularities“ is that allegedly all the free assessors everywhere were involved and helped.

what should be on Wed., June 8th. 2016 10:59



What is interesting about the „irregularities“ is that allegedly all the free assessors everywhere were involved and helped. Strange isn’t it?

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How long does the political one last

Thaw between North and South Korea

at? Will Kim Jong-un have another idea soon?


Kim Jong Un

, Comparing the 34-year-old dictator of North Korea and Donald Trump, the 71-year-old authoritarian president of the USA, is particularly noticeable: One of them shoots rockets into space and keeps coming up with ideas that baffle the world. The other one tweets all the time. Otherwise he has nothing that would distinguish him from a macho figure of prehistoric times.

Trump recently made people sit up and take notice because of the plan, just like the French and Russian presidents of their capitals, including Washington D.C. through a gigantic annual military parade. Kim, on the other hand, has suddenly changed the international weather situation, in stark contrast to his acted, but also real horror arrogance. On the occasion of the Olympic Winter Games in South Korea, he not only sent his sister there, but also invited the South Korean President to North Korea.

The Winter Games have never been a global political platform, except that they advertised a regime like Sochi did for Putin in 2014. North Korean winter sports enthusiasts even take part, as if the separation of the two Koreans didn’t exist. And many Korean families with relatives in the North and South have hopes.

With the hopes, dictator Kim is putting the South and its ally, the USA, under pressure.

But not only are doubts mounting, there are also demonstrations in Seoul against the invitation of the president, who immediately had to attach conditions to a visit. The clever one


has made yet another surprising move, but it is legitimate to ask how long the political thaw will last. And one is tempted to plead for the Olympic Games to be repeated as quickly as possible. That will not happen, of course, the usual reality will return very quickly.

Kim will stage another „missile test“ and Trump will post a Twitter text on it threatening the extermination of North Korea. The ice age follows the thaw. Unless Kim has another idea. Hopefully not angry.

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What do you mean? Please write to me: sperl.gerfried@news.at

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ÖVP and FPÖ want the announced „indexation“ of the family committee

Family allowance

for children living abroad – regardless of constitutional concerns.

Changes are only planned for civil servants, as committee chairman Norbert Sieber (ÖVP) said of the APA: They want to prevent civil servants living abroad from being burdened by the reform.

Civil servants should not be charged „excessively“

The reform should actually have been decided before the summer. After protests by diplomats, the decision was postponed. According to Sieber, an amendment is now planned to ensure that civil servants are not burdened „excessively“. For diplomats and civil servants working abroad, many additional benefits are linked to family allowances, says Sieber. If civil servants working in non-EU countries were to lose the allowance, then they would also drop out of these additional benefits.

According to Sieber, on the other hand, there are no changes in the basic plan to adapt family allowances for children in other EU countries to the cost of living there. For Eastern European EU countries this would mean a reduction, for Northern European countries it would mean a slight increase. Sieber does not accept constitutional and European legal concerns and refers to two corresponding reports by the social expert Wolfgang Mazal and the tax lawyer Michael Lang (WU-Vienna).

Family Ministry rejects concerns

The Family Ministry rejects the fact that the exemption for civil servants could deepen the constitutional concerns. There is already a „fiction of residence“ in tax law according to which civil servants working abroad are taxed as if they were living in Austria. Civil servants are therefore not liable to pay taxes where they are employed, but in Austria.

For employees working in Austria whose children live in other EU countries, however, the family allowance is to be „indexed“ in future. In total, the government is hoping for savings of 114 million euros. In the previous year, 253.2 million euros were paid in foreign aid – 20 million euros less than in 2016. The new „family bonus“ from 2019 is also to be „indexed“.

Experts consider the plan to be illegal in the EU

However, the European Court of Justice could thwart the government’s plans, because experts consider the plan to be unlawful to the EU. The EU Commission has already expressed its skepticism and pointed out that the same contributions should also lead to the same advantages.

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Matthias Mayer

wins gold in Super-G. Team colleague Hannes Reichelt assures: „He’s just a wild dog“

After the worst descent result since 1960



Vincent Kriechmayr

Austria’s men’s speed team is in seventh place 24 hours later in the person of

Matthias Mayer

perfect rehabilitation succeeded in Jeongseon. The Carinthian has now won the Super-G title four years after winning the downhill run. „Mothl saved us the very best,“ said Kriechmayr.

After the journey of the Frenchman Blaise Giezendanner (in the end fourth) he believed that his colleagues Max Franz or Mayer could still turn the result, said the Upper Austrian Kriechmayr. „Because they have a pretty good basic speed in Super-G,“ he added.

© Martin BERNETTI / AFP Matthias Mayer celebrates – He wins gold

Max Franz bowed. “He got into skiing well, pulled the ski nicely, he didn’t make a big mistake except for the finish line, it hurt him a bit. It was really cool Drive to watch is good for me, „said the 2017 World Cup downhill bronze medalist.

„In the station wagon it hits his ass that he no longer knows how to lift his knuckle.“

„In the station wagon it hits his ass that he no longer knows how to lift his knuckle. It was worked very well, nice that he got it to the point today,“ said Franz. „I’m definitely happy too, we will definitely celebrate with Mothe today.“

„He’s just a wild dog“

Hannes Reichelt joined in the congratulations. „Thank goodness someone did it better, Mothl, congratulations. A strong performance. He’s just a wild dog, to strike at a major event every four years, that can be something, respect,“ said the Salzburg native.

Olympic record of the speed men

The Olympic results of the three medalless speed men were sobering. „I had other goals“, confirmed Kriechmayr after the failure in the station wagon, seventh place in the downhill and sixth in the super-G. „I didn’t get the ski on. I think I wanted to destroy everything after yesterday, it went brutally in my pants. I wanted it so badly, I felt so comfortable here,“ said Franz in the Downhill eleventh and in the Super-G 17.

As after the downhill (12th), Hannes Reichelt was at a loss after the Super-G (11th). „I have no idea, I’m guessing myself, zero plan. It’s just difficult for me to be quick here.“ The yield is definitely sobering. A statement by the former racer Marco Büchel from Liechtenstein reassured him. „He said it’s not just about success, it’s also about how you are as a type. And I hope that at least I’ll get that right.“

He has already been able to celebrate many successes and is considering sticking to it for another four years. „I haven’t said yes yet, but I’m not ruling it out either. I have to stay fit. Now it’s time to concentrate on the next races. And maybe get faster in such conditions.“ In the Super-G, the 37-year-old stuck his hand on a goal. „It’s pulling a bit, but your heart hurts more than your shoulder at the moment.“

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The Lower Austrian

Katharina Gallhuber

was once a soccer striker and continued Göstlinger medal successes with slalom bronze.

Once she chased after the round leather as a striker of FC Göstling, now she has landed her most beautiful „direct hit“ with Olympic bronze in slalom.

Katharina Gallhuber

came third behind Frida Hansdotter and Wendy Holdener but before Mikaela Shiffrin for another ÖOC surprise medal at the 2018 Games. The first podium for the 20-year-olds meant precious metal.

»We just have a great ski club there«

Because in the World Cup, fifth place at the city event in Stockholm, which was held immediately before the Olympics, is the best result of the young A-team runner from Lower Austria so far. Before the Olympic season, she hadn’t even been in the top ten. Since Friday, Gallhuber has been the next medal winner for the Hochkar skiers. The Tyrolean Olga Pall, who was also born there, and Thomas Sykora and Kathrin Zettel had shown the way. Andreas Buder also comes from Göstling, Gallhuber’s cousin Christoph Krenn also competes in the World Cup.

„We just have a great ski club there,“ said Gallhuber, who was born on June 16, 1997 in Scheibbs and who, after finishing elementary school in Göstling, attended the Lilienfeld main ski school and then the Waidhofen / Ybbs training center. The skiing was just kind of obvious. Also because Mama Michaela, who traveled to South Korea, once competed in professional races in the USA.

From a young age to good work

Gallhuber is from Eastern Austria, but was lucky enough to grow up in a place where there is a lot of enthusiasm for skiing. One of their first coaches was Ewald Mandl, brother of the long-time ÖSV women’s boss Herbert Mandl.

„The ski club did a good job from an early age. Everyone is behind it and we live the sport of skiing,“ said Gallhuber in Yongpyong. „That’s why it was always so much fun and the reason I took this path.“

The increasing ski successes have also meant that Gallhuber hardly has any time for football. Once she even played on the boys‘ team. „I still like it very much, but I hardly get around to it,“ she explained, why she now has other hobbies. „I like the variety and am also very sporty when it comes to hobbies. Skating, tennis, volleyball, water skiing. It goes straight through, I just need exercise,“ stressed Gallhuber.

„Of course it’s always a boost when an Austrian drives well“

Compatriot Sykora, winner of slalom bronze in Nagano in 1998 like Gallhuber, is in Pyongchang for ORF and was therefore one of the first to congratulate. „He couldn’t believe it any more than I did,“ said Gallhuber.

While Bernadette Schild might even gamble away gold with a mistake after a clear third interim best time, Gallhuber stormed from ninth place on her first podium in Yongpyong. During the break, she followed Matthias Mayer’s gold run in the Super-G. „That distracted me. Of course, it’s always a boost when an Austrian drives well. But first and foremost, I thought that I had to push the gas intelligently myself.“

„Pay“ for the huge success

And Gallhuber did that with the fastest running time. „I thought, full throttle, no matter what comes out. When I saw the huge lead at the finish, that was madness. But there was still some capacity up. I would never have thought that that would be enough for bronze. It is just a dream come true. At major events there are often surprises. I’m glad it’s me this time. „

Information about Katharina Gallhuber is currently only available on Facebook. A platform of its own should follow soon. „I thought to myself that I would only really start when I was really good, and otherwise I would stay in the background,“ she explained her previous digital reluctance.

As a „reward“ for the huge success, Gallhuber waved an evening celebration and a short night. The internal qualification for the team competition at the end of the games took place on Saturday, in which Ricarda Haaser, Katharina Liensberger and Stephanie Brunner are fighting for three places in addition to Gallhuber. „I think it’s fair if we extend that,“ said Gallhuber.

The Lower Austrians do not mind that they would then have to „detain“ for a whole week at the Olympics. „I haven’t packed anyway,“ she said with a laugh. „It’s all still scattered around the room.“

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