June in Berlin

June in Berlin


Giuseppe Paterno is Italy’s oldest student. (Source: Reuters)

Giuseppe Paterno is my hero of the day. The Italian completed his studies in Palermo at the age of 96. My colleague Josephin Hartwig knows the details.



What distinguishes pessimists from optimists, Mario Lars can paint better than I can explain.

(Source: Mario Lars)

I wish you a wonderful day. Enjoy the sun!

Best regards,


Florian Harms, Editor-in-Chief of t-online.de, E-Mail: t-online-newsletter@stroeer.de

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Good morning, dear readers,


here is the commented overview of the day’s topics:


It was the pictures of the weekend, if not nice: Thousands of demonstrators on the Strasse des 17. Juni in Berlin. Without distance. Without masks. Vaccination opponents, corona deniers, right-wing extremists, hippies. Everyone united in protest against Corona measures under the motto "The end of the pandemic – freedom day", initiated by the initiative "Thinking outside the box 711".

Completely absurd: the information provided by the organizer, according to which 800,000 to 1.3 million people were there. In fact, according to the police, 17,000 to 20,000 came. The police ended up breaking off the event rightly because no one obeyed the rules. Later there were violent riots in Berlin-Neukölln or later in Prenzlauer Berg during other protests, including against the evacuation of a left-wing bar. In total there were 45 injured police officers, 133 arrests and 89 criminal investigations initiated as well as 36 administrative offense proceedings in Berlin.

No distance, no mouth and nose protection: Thousands of people at the rally against the Corona restrictions on Straße des 17. Juni in Berlin. (Source: Christoph Soeder / dpa)

The capital in turmoil.

And the question: Is it allowed to report on it at all and thus offer a stage for these stupid and radicals, as has already been discussed in many places in advance?

The weekend showed: Of course you have to report about it. Of course, you have to talk to the participants in the demo, as my colleague Florian Schmidt did. In any case, you have to report on the wild rabble and attacks on journalists, as my colleague Janna Halbroth did after ZDF journalist Dunja Hayali had to break off her report for security reasons. And also about the possible consequences, because the demo has already sparked a political debate about tougher penalties for corona rule violations.

And of course you can still find out that a rioting in this form cannot be outdone in terms of ruthlessness. And that even the people from the middle of society who took part in the demo have to ask themselves who they have joined. 


Landing off the coast of Florida. (Source: Handout / Reuters)

It was a historic mission. Two months after the first manned launch of the spacecraft developed by the private company SpaceX "Crew Dragon" US astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley took the capsule to the ISS last night "Endeavor" Landed in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Florida, as live recordings from NASA showed.

The video still shows astronaut Bob Behnken being helped out of the capsule. (Source: NASA TV / dpa / dpa)

The two were launched from the Cape Canaveral spaceport in Florida at the end of May. After almost nine years of hiatus, it was the first time astronauts had flown from the United States to the ISS, and the first time they had been promoted by a private space company. SpaceX had previously only transported cargo to the ISS. You can find more information here.


World Champion in Rio de Janeiro 2014: André Schürrle (from left), Julian Draxler, Benedikt Höwedes. (Source: Chai v.d. Laage / imago images)

In politics, people usually only step back if they can no longer see any other way out. Who is involved in an affair, who has used office or contacts for private purposes, who is up to their necks. Or who is just too old. This is almost the same for other industries. In business? A successful manager likes to take away as many millions as possible. In the entertainment industry? Is sung and moderated until you fall off the stage. In sports? You don’t stop until the bones are rotten and slowly nobody wants to look anymore.

All the more surprising was a series of resignations in football. In just two weeks, three German soccer heroes ended their careers – at an age at which you don’t actually do that as a soccer player.

"I noticed how full it was to experience my son up close. Suddenly football became so unimportant for me." Benedikt Höwedes, world champion, retired at 32.

"I no longer need applause." André Schürrle, world champion, retired at 29.

"I enjoy spending time with my family. It was important to me to be true to myself." Sandro Wagner, former national player, retired at 32.

André Schürrle made Germany the world champion with his assist for Mario Götze in 2014. Benedikt Höwedes was the only field player at the tournament besides Philipp Lahm who played all seven games over 90 minutes. And Sandro Wagner made it to FC Bayern and the national team in the autumn of his career. He was the last of the three to break up yesterday.

Reasons? They are the same for everyone: More time for the family, no longer wanting the pressure and stress of business, which leaves less and less space for weaknesses and humanity. Retirement at 30 – this is what you could call the trend, which may not stop at other soccer heroes like the 2014 winning goal scorer, Mario Götze.

The reactions to such an early career end can usually be divided into two camps.

Camp one shows understanding. It pays tribute to those who have resigned. Such a decision requires a great deal of courage. And of course it is correct, after all, family and private interests definitely come first. Why should you keep doing the stress and pressure when you don’t have any more financial worries anyway?

Camp two shows no understanding. How can you just throw your talent away? That shows comfort and lack of bite. Obviously someone here is simply not up to the pressure and prefers to take the path of less resistance. Or as Rudi Völler, world champion from 1990, once put it: "Anyone who does that has never loved football. If someone quits so early without being injured, that is a slap in the face for any sports disabled person or for any young person who still wants to become a professional footballer."

"Why is he writing all this?"you may ask.

Because this discussion is not just a sport phenomenon.

Right now, under the impression of short-time work, home office and during the discussion about the suggestion of a four-day week from left leader Katja Kipping, many are asking themselves: Can I – especially financially – afford to set my priorities in the long term move and possibly work less? Away from stress, pressure and the challenges of everyday work – towards more free time and family?

And these discussions about such working time models also have two sides. Less working hours and more time for childcare, hobbies, friends – this can possibly lead to greater satisfaction, less stress and thus also to better health and higher productivity. On the other hand, experts see great danger. Where less work is done, less is produced in the end. In many industries this can only be compensated for with more staff, which is unrealistic in many areas.

Whether teachers, car painters, managers or postmen: Many people want more time for family and private interests – it’s not as easy to implement everywhere as it is in football, especially now in the Corona crisis.



Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek. (Source: Future Image / imago images)

Today the big shaking begins, today the new school year begins in the first federal state: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Even if there are hardly any new infections here, the anxious question remains: Can protection against infection be guaranteed with 150,000 students and 13,000 teachers? Or do the schools threaten to become corona hotspots? If not in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, then maybe in Hamburg, where school starts on Thursday? So in the second federal state – where the number of infections is also higher than in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania?

The Ministry of Education has developed a nine-page hygiene plan there. In primary schools, every student should be guaranteed at least four hours of lessons a day, and in secondary schools at least five. 

There are some hygiene plans in Germany. The question is whether they work. Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek therefore pleaded in the "World on Sunday" For safety’s sake still for a mask requirement in schools. It is understandable "if countries want to dispense with distance rules in schools because the spatial conditions would otherwise only allow limited classroom teaching. Nonetheless, face-to-face teaching will only work if further regulations on hygiene, wearing protective masks and keeping your distance in the schoolyard and in the corridors are strictly observed."

A rather late realization, one day before the start of school in the first state. Especially since with Berlin, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg only three states have announced a mask requirement. Especially with younger school children, it is also very questionable whether this is really practical.

The President of the German Teachers‘ Association, Heinz-Peter Meidinger, had last said that he feared one "a big mess" at German schools. It looks like he’s proved right.  


Exciting: The results of the Corona school study in Saxony will be presented at a press conference in Dresden at 1 p.m. – it is the largest study to date on a target group of children between the ages of 1 and 18. In the months of May and June, more than 2,300 blood samples and 2,600 throat swabs were taken and examined from students and teachers from elementary and secondary schools in Leipzig, Dresden, Zwickau, Borna and Werdau. In addition, scientific results on the psychosocial effects of school closings on children are presented for the first time. Afterwards, Minister of Culture Christian Piwarz from the CDU will classify the results of the study with a view to starting school in normal operation.


August 2018: Cars stand on the partially collapsed motorway bridge "Ponte Morandi". 43 people had fallen and lost their lives. (Source: Antonio Calanni / dpa)

Today is a good day for Italy, and especially for the city of Genoa. The new motorway bridge will be inaugurated at 6.30 p.m. You may remember the horrific images from August 2018 when the Morandi Bridge collapsed and killed 43 people. Probably due to construction defects. The new bridge should then be normally passable from Wednesday.


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