He must try to make it clear through various coalition options in the countries that the FDP is not fixed.

He must try to make it clear through various coalition options in the countries that the FDP is not fixed.

Teixeira is based in Brazil, after years of silence, he recently announced on CNN that he was not aware of any guilt. The new document also casts a very bad light on the media industry. In the extended indictment, two former top executives from US giant Fox are also accused for the first time of bribing officials. They are Hernan Lopez, former managing director of the International Channels division, and former Latin America boss Carlos Martinez, both part of 21st Century Fox, which later became part of the Disney group. The duo is also accused of having secured English-language TV rights for the World Cup finals through illegal use of inside information.

Both deny the allegations: The charges are „fiction“, said a lawyer. On the 70 pages, however, a system of money laundering, bribery and concealment with many main and minor characters in a total of 53 cases is unrolled in all details. The indictment will bring new momentum to the Fifa process.

In the wake of the 2015 scandal, numerous former officials were indicted in the US. In 2017 there was a trial, some were convicted. After that it became comparatively quiet. Fifa itself announced in a statement on Tuesday that it would support „all investigations into criminal misconduct“ and would continue to „work with the judicial authorities“. Former FIFA boss Joseph S. Blatter denied the allegations and referred to a failed gentlemen’s agreement within the Executive Committee, although Qatar played its part in the failure.

An internal Fifa investigation by chief investigator Michael J. Garcia also came to the conclusion in 2017 that there was no evidence of buying votes, whereas bribery in the award of the 2010 World Cup to South Africa has been proven. In connection with the awarding of the 2006 World Cup to Germany, there are said to have been irregularities in a payment of 6.7 million euros. Qatar is particularly in twilight: allegations of corruption and reports of the exploitation and death of foreign workers have been part of the desert emirate’s efforts to get the largest possible stage in football for at least ten years. In the 2010 election in Zurich, Qatar prevailed in the fourth round with 14: 8 votes – against the USA, which did not want to let up. „The indictment documents the authorities‘ continued determination to cripple corruption in the top echelons of football,“ said New York City Attorney Richard P. Donoghue.

Source: ntv.de, Thomas Nowag, sid „Zorc is angry. (Photo: imago images / DeFodi) The poor mood at the World Athletics Championships in Doha makes Michael Zorc skeptical ahead of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.“ I also see the empty stadium. Even in top disciplines, where it is usually full, „said the sports director of the Bundesliga soccer club Borussia Dortmund with reference to the sometimes poor response from the stands.top biology essay services The BVB record player therefore sees himself in his critical assessment of the World Cup award confirmed. „We can only speculate about why the World Cup ended up there. Giving the World Cup there was a crazy decision.

Obviously, sporting things played no role „, commented Zorc. Source: ntv.de“ „“ (Photo: imago images / Sven Simon) Franz Beckenbauer’s health is obviously so bad that he can no longer be questioned. This is reported by the „Neue Zürcher Zeitung“. The Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office is conducting numerous criminal proceedings relating to the world association Fifa, one of which is the award of the 2006 World Cup in Germany.Beckenbauer is said to have transferred ten million francs to Qatar in advance of the award in order to influence the then Fifa Vice President Mohamed bin Hammam to take on the electorate. Investigations against Beckenbauer and three other DFB officials, including ex-boss Theo Zwanziger, have been ongoing since September 2016. Because the statute of limitations threatens in 2020, the investigations against Beckenbauer are now to be decoupled.

According to the report, there are several certificates that the 73-year-old is unable to be questioned. You can read more about this here. Source: ntv.de „Omnipresent: Lindner during the election campaign in Koblenz. (Photo: imago / Sascha Ditscher) The FDP is fighting its way back, especially thanks to party leader Lindner, who has left his image of the „slightly licked young boy“ behind, according to party researcher Niedermayer in an interview with n-tv.de. It benefits from the development of the AfD, of all things. n-tv.de: The FDP is self-confident, surveys regularly see it at 7 percent.

Oskar Niedermayer: The prerequisites for this have improved significantly, including through the last state elections. However, the FDP has only recently been well above the five percent hurdle at the federal level, and there is still some time to go before the federal elections. How did the FDP manage to work its way up again after the 2013 election defeat? Oskar Niedermayer is a political scientist and heads the Otto Stammer Center at the Free University of Berlin. After the disaster in the federal election, the party has repositioned itself in terms of personnel and content.

The whole old leadership resigned and now everything is tailored to the new party leader Christian Lindner. He is the face of the FDP, both internally and externally. In addition, the party has said goodbye to some mistakes from the past. And then the development of the last few months also helped her, especially the development of the AfD. To what extent? Up until the European elections in 2014, the AfD was primarily seen as a market-liberal, euro-critical party and thus also withdrew many voters from the FDP.

In the meantime, she stands above all for her positions on the refugee crisis and on Islam, so that a void has emerged in the economic area into which the FDP as a market economy party can break into. The FDP can also position itself as a democratic alternative to the AfD in the socio-political area. You have also succeeded in addressing the protest voters and making them clear: „You don’t have to vote for the AfD to express your criticism of the refugee policy, you can also vote for the FDP!“ Critics accuse the FDP of being to the right of to position the CDU. That is not true. The FDP’s criticism of the refugee position comes from a position based on the rule of law – and not for reasons that are xenophobic or critical of Islam, as the AfD does. That is a major difference.

How does Lindner’s FDP differ from the liberals under Guido Westerwelle? Under Westerwelle, the FDP was too one-sidedly focused on one issue before the 2009 Bundestag election, namely tax cuts, and then disappointed its voters and lost its core brand, economic expertise. Lindner has ensured a broader orientation, positioning the party clearly market-liberal, but oriented towards its medium-sized clientele and not towards the large corporations.

He has also made them visible again in terms of social policy. If Lindner increasingly shapes the image of the FDP, what are the dangers? If you become a one-man party, you naturally become dependent on this one man. At Westerwelle we saw where that was going. When this crashed dramatically in the population ratings after the 2009 Bundestag election and became increasingly unpopular, this naturally also had an impact on the party’s voter support. At the moment, however, this is not to be feared at Lindner. He is not judged negatively, but still has to work on his notoriety.

He has shed his image of being a slightly licked young boy. Now he comes across much more serious. In contrast to the Westerwelle era, the party no longer rigorously rules out cooperation with the SPD and the Greens, a traffic light coalition has just been decided in Rhineland-Palatinate. Is this strategy correct? It is absolutely correct that Lindner in Rhineland-Palatinate says: The traffic light is not a problem. He must try to make it clear through different coalition options in the countries that the FDP is not fixed. In the past it was very often a problem for the FDP if it was bound too one-sidedly.

It was then perceived as an appendage and not as an independent party. What do you expect from the FDP party congress this weekend? It will certainly be a very strong support event for Lindner. The FDP will make it clear that it relies on him as a face to the outside world and that it supports the course in terms of content. He will therefore get a brilliant, long-lasting applause for his keynote speech. To the outside world it should be shown: The FDP is back.

We have a strong man at the top and clear positions on the content. Gudula HörrQuelle: ntv.de spoke to Oskar Niedermayer. „“ Guido Westerwelle has died. The former Foreign Minister and FDP leader succumbed to the consequences of his cancer, as the Westerwelle Foundation announced. He was 54 years old and the former Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle is dead.

The former FDP chairman died at the age of 54 from complications from his leukemia. This was announced by the Westerwelle Foundation in Berlin. „We fought. We had the goal in mind. We are grateful for an incredibly great time together. Love remains,“ Westerwelle and his partner Michael Mronz are quoted as saying.

  In the Federal Foreign Office, the flags were raised at half-mast. Westerwelles was diagnosed with blood cancer in 2014. In November of last year he spoke about his illness on television appearances and presented his book „Between Two Lives“. For several months, however, the Rhinelander had been back in hospital for treatment, which was officially justified with a „change in medication“. Since then, Westerwelle had hardly been seen in public, and Westwelle’s death caused sadness and dismay. The current FDP leader Christian Lindner said: „I have no words.

Guido fought like that. The mourning is great. „Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said:“ The news is very, very bitter. Guido Westerwelle was a particularly amiable, courteous and self-critical person. „The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, praised Westerwelle as“ a formative figure „. Green boss Cem Özdemir wrote on Twitter:“ We are very upset about the death of Guido Westerwelle „A sad day.“, Health Minister Hermann Gröhe tweeted. Westerwelle, who holds a doctorate in law, was FDP chief from 2001 to 2011 and Federal Foreign Minister of the black and yellow federal government from 2009 to 2013. He had already joined the FDP in 1980.

Under the chairmen Klaus Kinkel and Wolfgang Gerhardt he was Secretary General of the Liberals. In 2002 he ran for Chancellor – a novelty in the history of the FDP. Westwelle sat for the Liberals in the German Bundestag from 1996 to 2013. After leaving parliament, he and the entrepreneur Ralph Dommermuth founded the Westerwelle Foundation – Foundation for International Cooperation. Source: ntv.de, jwu / dpa / rts / AFP „“ Vicky Leandros. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) Vicky Leandros will sing at the funeral service for Guido Westerwelle in Cologne tomorrow. She will perform a song specially written for the occasion, according to the WDR. The Bonn Classical Philharmonic will also play at the service when family, friends and companions say goodbye to Westerwelle.

Chancellor Merkel and Federal President Gauck are also expected. Source: ntv.de „In the entrance area of ​​the Thomas Dehler House in Berlin, next to a condolence book, there is a photo of Guido Westerwelle. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) The former Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle is in The foundation he founded confirms Cologne. The long-time FDP chairman had lived with his husband in the cathedral capital. Former Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle will find his last rest in Cologne. The funeral of the long-time FDP chairman is planned in the week after Easter, probably the first weekend in April.

This was announced by the Westerwelle Foundation – the foundation he founded – in Berlin. The ex-foreign minister died on Friday at the age of 54 as a result of a leukemia disease. According to information from the „Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger“, Westwelle is to be buried in the central Melaten cemetery. He and his husband Michael Mronz had an apartment in the cathedral city. After chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant, he also spent his final months in the university clinic there. Westerwelle, who holds a doctorate in law, was head of the FDP from 2001 to 2011 and foreign minister of the black and yellow federal government from 2009 to 2013.

He had already joined the FDP in 1980. Under the chairmen Klaus Kinkel and Wolfgang Gerhardt he was Secretary General of the Liberals. In 2002 he ran as a candidate for chancellor – a novelty in the history of the FDP. Westwelle sat for the Liberals in the German Bundestag from 1996 to 2013. After leaving parliament, he and the entrepreneur Ralph Dommermuth founded the Westerwelle Foundation – Foundation for International Cooperation. Source: ntv.de, jki / dpa „Westerwelle, who was born in Bad Honnef in North Rhine-Westphalia, has been one of them since the 1980s most formative figures in German politics.

In 2001 he took over the chairmanship of the FDP, which he held until 2011. On March 18, the former Federal Foreign Minister dies at the age of 54 as a result of his leukemia disease.picture alliance / dpa „“ Ex-Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle would probably have smiled at this faux pas: after a moving funeral service, hundreds of people lay flowers at the grave of the FDP Politicians – and discover a biographical discrepancy. It was an emotional and moving farewell: At a memorial service, family, friends and political companions thought of the former Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle in the St. Aposteln Church in Cologne.

Hundreds of guests also wanted to pay their last respects to the ex-foreign minister at Cologne’s Melaten cemetery. They laid flowers at Westerwelle’s grave, which is adorned with a simple wooden cross. On it is also the date of birth of the FDP politician – albeit with the wrong year. An error was obviously made while engraving the date – because Westerwelle was born on December 27, 1961.

On the cross he is made six years younger. This is annoying against the background that Westerwelle had planned his funeral service himself. He had formulated the greeting in the booklet for the mourners himself.

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